KWFinder: Discover Thousands of keyword ideas

KWFinder is a keyword research tool used to discover high search volume and low SEO difficulty keywords. It’s very easy to use with a user-friendly interface and most importantly, with metrics to provide immediate support with your SEO efforts.

Let’s explore KWFinder.

After login to KWFinder you will see the following search bar with two options:

  1. Search By Keyword:
  2. Search By Domain

1. Search by Keyword

Let’s search for the following keyword SQL server database. You need to define the country and search language. Choose “Anywhere” and “Any language” accordingly.

After you click on “Find Keywords” button

Three keyword research options appears:

  • Related keywords is the primary keyword research method that we’ll take a look at in a minute.
  • Autocomplete uses the Google Suggest feature to prepend and append your keyword with different letters or words. For example, “SQL Server database” look like this:
  • Questions are similar to Autocomplete but it will show the possible questions related to SQL Server database.


The screenshots above are from the left-hand panel of the screen only. Here’s the full picture to give you an idea of the overall data in KWFinder:

Let’s look at the metrics in the left panel

  • Trend – The trend of search in the last 12 months
  • Search – The average monthly search volume (exact match) in the last 12 months
  • CPC (cost per click) – The average cost per click of the listed keyword
  • PPC (pay per click) – The level of competition in PPC advertising (min = 0; max = 100)
  • KD (keyword difficulty) – The calculation is based on the selected metrics by Moz, Majestic, and KWFinder know-how, namely: Domain Authority, Page Authority, Citation Flow, and Trust Flow of the URLs on the first Google SERP (min = 0; max = 100)

Now, let’s look at the right panel

First, you can see an enlarged SEO difficulty score and a trend graph of search volumes during the last 12 months.


  • Google SERP “URL” – These are the 1st page of results from Google search for your selected keyword
  • DA (Domain Authority) – predicts how well a website will rank on search engines. Scale: 0 – 100 (developed by Moz).
  • PA (Page Authority) – Page Authority predicts how well a specific page will rank on search engines. Scale: 0 – 100 (developed by Moz).
  • CF (Citation Flow) – predicts how influential is the URL based on the number of backlinks. Scale: 0 – 100 (developed by Majestic).
  • TF (Trust Flow) – predicts how influential is the URL based on the quality of backlinks. It indicates that backlinks from trustworthy websites will increase the Trust Flow while backlinks from questionable websites will lower the score. Scale: 0 – 100 (developed by Majestic).
  • Links – The number of external authority-passing links to the URL
  • FB (Facebook) – The number of Facebook shares for the URL
  • LPS (Link Profile Strenght) – it estimates how difficult it is to rank on that particular position. The higher it is, the harder it is to compete with the URL (min = 0; max = 100).
  • EV (Estimated Visits Per Month) – estimated visits per month on the SERP position.

The Keyword Difficulty metric is the first one to check as it gives an early indication of whether you stand a chance to rank for your keyword. Here’s the full range of the KWFinder Difficulty Score:

3f KWFinder SEO Difficulty Range

Other features in KWFinder

There are three other features inside KWFinder worth mentioning.

1. Keyword lists management

Lists allow you to keep and categorize the data you find from your keyword research. You can check each suggestion you want to keep and add it to a new or an existing list.

2. Import your own keywords

You can import your own lists of keywords into KWFinder in various ways:

  • Write the keywords as separate tags
  • Upload your TXT or CSV file
  • Drag-and-drop your file

3. Export your results

You can also export your keywords from either the “Suggestions” table or your keyword lists. You have the option to export to a CSV file (with or without metrics) or copy to the clipboard.

Other tools in the Mangools Suite

Mangools also includes several more SEO tools that integrate with KWFinder and are included in the price:

SERPChecker is a Google SERP and SEO analysis tool. It includes a choice of 49+ SEO metrics and Social metrics. The tool lets you analyze the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors to help you rank higher.

SERPWatcher is a rank tracking tool, and like KWFinder, it’s easy to use. You can track keyword positions on a daily basis.

LinkMiner is a backlink analysis tool. Use this tool to discover which links are pointing to your website. Metrics are given for each link and you can see a snapshot preview of the website on the right-hand side. Great for auditing backlink profiles and competitor research.

SiteProfiler offers a quick way to get SEO metrics and insights for other websites. You can view top-level metrics such as DA/Alexa Rankings, a long with top backlinks, popular content, and top competitors.


The Mangools freemium model includes a limited free plan and a choice of monthly subscription plans. There’s also a healthy 40% discount when you opt for the annual subscription.

Annual Subscription (monthly prices)

Mangools Basic: $29.9

Mangools Premium: $39.9

Mangools Agency: $79.9

Monthly Subscription

Mangools Basic: $49.0

Mangools Premium: $69.0

Mangools Agency: $129.0


  • Used by more than 500,000 customers
  • Free starter plan
  • Affordable monthly subscription or discounted annual plans
  • Superb user interface
  • Includes a well-explained keyword difficulty score
  • Integrates well with other tools in the Mangools suite


  • If you need to gather a lot of data on a daily basis, the Agency plan is expensive compared to the Premium and Basic plans.

Check all the prices by clicking on the link below:

KWFinder (Affiliate link)